CDF Run2b Silicon Detector
IEEE NSS/MIC 2003 Conference, draft paper: pdf (29MB)
IEEE NSS/MIC 2003 Conference,
conference record: pdf
IEEE NSS/MIC 2003 Conference,
presentation slides: ppt(28MB)
Elba Conference
2-page transparency: PPT
2-page proceedings:( tex,
fig1: eps,
fig2: eps,
tex compiled: ps,
style file: sty)
Documents for Sensor Sign-Off/ Sensor Review
Sensor QA procedure (CDF 6283): pdf
Prototype Characteristics I (CDF 6286):
PDF - 1st part on general/initial characterization
Prototype Characteristics II (CDF 6287):
PDF - 2nd part on charge-up and post-irradiation
Prototype Characteristics (presentation on Feb 3, 2003)
Sensor Shipment to FNAL
Long-term stability test:
A long-term stability test has started where 8 sensors are kept biased at 500V. In addition
30 AC strips/sensor are wire-bonding to an external pad where +100V is applied (Biasring at ground)
to test oxide punchthrough. The whole system is placed in a thermostat chamber and the temperature
is kept at 20 degC.
Photos of the setup; 8 sensors are being tested; close up view
Total leakage current (Vbias=500V) as a function of Vcp (Voltage across oxide)
The rapid increase should be due to avalanche breakdown occuring underneath the extended
Al strip: the field there must be quite large due to MOS effect. The increase of the leakage
current through oxide is moderate even at 100V, ensuring good isolation.
Specifications of Prototype Outer Sensors:
"Prototype Outer Axial Sensors"
final drawings (by HPK):1,
HPK excel data sheet for 60 sensors (delivered 7/12/02):
group A,
group B,
The scratch-pad data of this delivery are not serial numbers (This
will be corrected in next deliveries) but combinations of wafer number and
serial number (1 or 2) in that wafer.
A sheet to summarize the correspondence to
the serial numbers is given here.
I-V curves of 60 prototypes are summarized in this pdf plot.
C-V curves of 20 out of 60 sensors are summarized in
this pdf plot: The correlation of
the "full depletion voltages" between the ones extracted by fitting two
straight lines and those from
HPK measurements are give
this pdf plot. Note that the way Vdep
is determined is different between the two.
"Prototype Outer Stereo Sensors"
final drawings (by HPK): 1,
supplementary drawing to explain "center pads":
HPK excel data sheet for 19 A grade sensors (delivered 10/21/02:
HPK has delivered 11 A grade and 22+1 B grade as of 11/01/02
"L0 Sensors (Inner axial)"
leftover L00 Sensors: IV curves of 23 sensors
of sensors shipped to FNAL on July 31, 2002
"Fine-Pitch Signal Cable"
drawing of the longest cable
"3-page summary for 2003 US-Japan" (Feb 17, 2003):
"Run2b Si Overview", at CDF-J meeting (Dec 14, 2002):
"Run2b Si Overview", at CDF-J meeting (Dec 14, 2001):
draft writeup for TDR:
sensor.tex (TEX file)
elsart.sty (style file),
i350.eps (fig.1),
defect.eps (fig.2),
strip.eps (fig.3),