The CDF Detector

( The Collider Detector at
Fermilab )
Fermilab Tevatron Collider is currently the world's highest
energy accelerator, colliding antiprotons and protons at a center
of mass energy of 1.8 - 2.0 TeV.
The Collider Detector at Fermilab(CDF) is
the first general-purpose detector built to exploit physics at this
CDF Run-II Detector

Since the completion of RUN-I data taking in February 1996,
the CDF detector was vastly upgraded to cope with
higher intensity (luinosity) and new timing structure
of the also upgraded Tevatron accerelator.
The new detector, CDF-II, has been operational since 2000.
More CDF-II pictures
This research is supported by
the Japan-US Scientific Cooperation Program and
the University of Tsukuba.
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Last modified: May 31, 2002.